Saturday, September 26, 2015

Horse Drawing

*Hi Everyone! I was looking at a different angle on this piece. I am getting back into gear with some more of my art soon.*

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dragonfruit Photos

*Hi Everyone, I know it is close to midnight over here, but this week has been crazy trying dishes I haven't had in a long time. This is another of the fruits that I have been eating this week that is my favorite. I prefer eating the white dragon fruit than the red one, because it has more of the flavor.  If anyone has never tried dragon fruit the taste is similar to a kiwi. What I want for you all to do is don't be afraid to try something new if it a type of food or fruit; it can be good or bad.*

I am spending some time on several of art pieces, and three more commissioned work that is due in December.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

An Old Vietnamese Tradition

* Hi Everyone, my Aunts are in town this entire week. Time for me to gain some calories by their cooking. If anyone has ever seen a jackfruit this is what it looks like. ( Yes that is actually the name of the fruit) Every single time they come to visit we all gather together; to open up the jackfruit to start eating and separating the fruit; as this is my mom's side of 9 brothers and sisters. In my opinion, it tastes like a sweet candied mango. It is amazing, how I used to hate this fruit as a kid, but now my taste has changed.
I will try to post what I am working on this week.*

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Life of Sparky

* Hi Everyone! Oct 10, is coming up Sparky would have been 15 years old.  He was my first dog, and the best companion; when I was five years old. I nursed him back in 2007 when he got bitten by a black widow spider on his hind leg.  Oct 10, 2011: It was painful watching him have his last breath, but there are some events in life that you just cannot let go.*

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Second Piece This Week

* Hi Everyone, I honestly don't know what I created? But I sure do need some sleep, I will be working on  another next piece when I do post it.*

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Fall Charcoal Piece

* Hi Everyone! I was working on this charcoal piece at 12:37 am this morning, with Starbucks in hand.( I am one of those that I can fall asleep drinking coffee) I believe I pressed too hard on my tortillion stumps that both of my wrists  tendons are inflammed. Sampson woke me up in the middle of the morning by pouncing on me with all his weight;I have to love having a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Well then it is time for me to detox with some Green Tea. I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend. *new