Friday, July 31, 2015

Don Drysdale

*Hi Everyone, I have one more painting to go, to make this a set of 4. More details will soon be announced. I have been listening to  Pat Benatar, and Heart lately; while I was working on my paintings.*

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Is it still Summer?

For the last couple of weeks has been extremely busy at my work preparing for the Fall/ Winter Line for the pro players in the NFL, and NHL teams.
All I can say for being tested to triple task last week, I am close to falling over, but I am not going to complain,  I do love my job.
Hopefully I will be in Germany this winter.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Maury Wills

*Hi Everyone, I have decided to change up the background a little bit away from my easel. Instead, I go out in the 100 degree heatwave, in my backyard; which it will be the whole week over here. This was a difficult challenge for me.*

Saturday, July 18, 2015

An Artist's Break for the Day

*Hey Everyone, I needed some inspiration for my art this past week at Laguna Beach strolling through some art galleries.*

Friday, July 17, 2015

New Link Updates

Hi Everyone! Yes I did create a new link name to my art blog.
The new link is
You can find my other art page at
Much Love,
~Courtney~ Xxx

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Sandy Koufax

*Hi Everyone, this was what I was working on late last night. I will be posting my next piece soon when I can.*

Friday, July 10, 2015

Some News

Hi Everyone! Can anyone research Carpal Tunnel as of why in the world does it come and go? I was talking to one of the physical trainer's who asked me if I was still wearing my cast even if I am not in  excruciating pain? Now with my job as of  transporting heavy sport related  catalogs to different areas of the room at work this week. I am still stubborn of not taking any breaks even when I am constantly working on my art.

You all are thinking I am only  twenty to even have Carpal Tunnel, why am I even getting it that I should be enjoying my life?

Much Love,
~Courtney~ Xxx

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Some Updates

Hi Everyone, how are you all? I am actually looking into some Non-Credit Classes at Otis Collage of Art and Design in LA, because a friend of mine gave me a brilliant idea as she noticed the portrait work I have been working on as of why haven't I thought of becoming a "Forensic Artist."  It will be something for me to think about, since I am willing to do it, and who knows what I will be interning for.

Much Love,
~Courtney~ Xxx

Monday, July 6, 2015

Another Piece (I seriously cannot think of a title)

*Hey Everyone, I have decided not to use my lighting effect on this piece. I am on my way to the Dodger Game tonight, hopefully we win against the Phillies. I will be posting my next piece soon.*

Friday, July 3, 2015

Black & White Painting

*Hi Everyone, this was one of the black & white painting that has been sitting around for a year, which I am not even kidding. I wish you all a Happy 4th wherever you all may be spending time with your friends and family.*