Friday, December 25, 2015

Laguna Beach Photos

*Hi Everyone! Merry Christmas, I was at a different area of Laguna Beach today climbing on the rocks, while taking some photos. My one sock, and tennis shoe had  gotten drenched by stepping in the small tide pool that was in the rocks. All in all it was a beautiful cold day for taking pictures. I am trying my best to shake off this dreadful cough.*

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Sculpture Piece

* Hi Everyone! I haven't sculpted in 9 years, and  this was a fun clay piece to work on. I am so excited to start on the next one. Meanwhile, my fever, chills is down and all that is left is the coughing. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.*

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Malibu, CA photos

* Hi Everyone! It was a photography field day for me in Malibu off the coast. Even though it was pouring, I got to my destination just in time before it rained on me. *

Friday, December 18, 2015

Portrait Piece

* Hi Everyone,  this was what I have been working on. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.*

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Horse Painting on Gesso Board

* Hi Everyone, this was the lastet piece I just finished. It was the first time I have ever painted on a Gesso Board.*

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Prague, Czech Republic

 *Prague was my last stop before I went home. The city was so beautiful with my short time over there I wish I could have stayed longer, the food, pastries, and coffee was perfect. The Prague beer was alright(I am not a huge fan of beer) I did some shopping in Prague searching for a Victorian Cameo necklace. I did run into quite a few gyspies walking the streets in Vienna, and Prague.*

While traveling, I had a couple of my friends translating for me in Austria, but in Prague it was difficult comprehending the language, I was on my own on that one.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Week with your friends and family, and also stay safe wherever you may be.

Salzburg, and Vienna Austria

* Hi Everyone, this was where I was at traveling on an insane itinerary. In Salzburg I went on "The Sound of Music Tour"which I have seen the movie hundreds of times. The next stop by the train was in Vienna. St Stephen's Cathedral was  the most beautiful cathedral I have ever seen in all my traveling, the coffee was amazing, and below is the Viennese coffee house I was at.*

I know your question is did I try any of the Austrian beer? Yes I did, and the taste was interesting.  I have had so much of the Austrian pastries, and did a ton of walking exploring the city of Salzburg, and Vienna.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

I am back!

Hi Everyone, I am a little jet lag traveling from Europe this week. I will post some photos of where I went by tomorrow. My keyboard to my computer has decided to act up on me tonight.
Much Love,

Monday, November 2, 2015

Stairs Painting

* Hey Everyone! This is another piece that I was working on. I hope you all have a wonderful week.*