Wednesday, May 28, 2014

No Name..

*Hey Everyone, this was one of my drawings that I have been working on with my hand brace*

Some News..

Hey Everyone, how is everyone's week going? I just found out  from my trainer, that I have a medium case of carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand. I don't know how long I will wear this brace,and how it will effect my drawing hand that I draw, write with.
Thank You for being so patient, as for waiting on what I will be posting.

Much Love,

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

#66 in oil pastels

*Hey Everyone,I have decided to experiment with something new on this oil pastel drawing. It is way different form my other pieces I have done in Black & White.*

Monday, May 19, 2014


*Hey Everyone,  my aunt and cousin are in town from Denver,and this was what I have been working on.*

Thursday, May 8, 2014


*Hey Everyone,this was what I was working on this past week testing out my new phone camera.*

Monday, May 5, 2014

Eye Tutorial Sketches

* Hey Everyone, I was just drawing some eyes, because I was in a great mood last night to do so. - I will be posting some more of my art very soon.*